Work for 3rd Class April 20th -24th

I hope you all had a lovely Easter. It will be a little bit more difficult doing our work this week as you have no sheets to work from but I have tried to keep instructions clear and your work easy for you to manage by yourself. You can use your new copies that we delivered to your houses, you probably wont need them all so if you would like to keep one for drawing then do!. If you have any questions or are confused about anything, you can write to me on Seesaw. Don’t forget to send me pictures of your work! Remember this is work for the whole week, do Maths and English every day and then some Gaeilge or History! I have included a suggested timetable and checklist below which you can check on Friday to see that everything is done! Reading at the bottom of everyday can be from your library book, books you have at home or online books! Looking forward to hearing from you all. If you scroll down this post I have given you some links to watch, ,more detailed instructions and examples of work. Write to me and let know if the Easter bunny came!

Ms O’Hanlon

Click on image to make it bigger!


Revise Na Dathanna.  Watch this video to remember how to pronounce the colours.

Complete Litrigh É Linn lch 52 & 53
  1.       Get an object for each colour in L É Linn. Close your eyes and get an adult/sibling to take away one object. Name the colour of the missing object as Gaeilge.
  2.        Get the adult/sibling to call out a colour, race to get something from the house that is that colour.
Those who don't do Gaeilge: Nessy

 ENGLISH: Keep reading your library books!

Those who are in Mr Russell's/Ms Harwood's Group continue with reading, SNIP and My Spelling Workbook set by Mr R/Ms H.

My English Group: Pick one thing per day
  1. Spellbound pg 56
  2. Spellbound Pg 57
  3. Write a letter to someone in the class telling them what you did yesterday. ( Recount Writing) Remember to put the day in order. First, Next, Then, Finally.
 Here's an example I wrote to Sharon.

4. Write a recipe for something you have baked or had for breakfast, lunch or dinner (Procedural Writing). Remember two sections: What you need and Method.
5.Write an Easter themed Acrostic Poem (Poetry Writing). Remember we did this for Spring. The letters go down the side and we start each line with that letter. Here is an example for you to read and then try your own!


1.  Mental Maths Each Day Week 30 ( 12 for Mr O'G Group)

2. Sumdog. Well done Cillian, Charlie, Bobby, Sophie, Lexi, Matthew and Harry with most answers last week!

3.  Revise 2 x 1 Digit Multiplication

Watch this video

Now try these in a copy:

22 x 3           24 x 2
21 x 4            13 x 3
14 x 2            22 x 4

Now watch this video:

Now try these

15 x 3        22 x 5
13 x 4        24 x 5
16 x 3        33 x 6

4. Write a Maths Trail containing at least 10 questions for someone in your house to try complete. Remember questions can be about counting, add, take away, multiply, time, shapes, symmetry etc.

I will send out answers to MM on Friday. Don’t forget to send pictures of your sums and Maths trails!


Christopher Columbus

·         Watch this video

  • Read about Christopher Columbus in Small World History Page 76 -78.
  • Complete Page 79  Questions A+B in your copy.
  • Write ten facts you have learned about Christopher Columbus e.g. when he was born/ died. Name of his ships, what did he discover etc.


 Draw a picture using Remember we used this website to draw daffodils. These are two I'm going to try!


Look at the video John from Music Generation made especially for our class using the boom clap baboon fizzy symbols.

Jamie’s Bar Monkey

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